Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I thought I'd let you know I'm into collecting feathers and cacti, I don't just read and write ! What the hell I hear you say, who cares?? Well it's a big world out there so someone might....and let's face it a bit of variety is a good thing. Here are some of my cacti and a bromeliad. Feathers next time!

Monday, May 5, 2014


This blog is intended for readers, writers and procrastinators ........oh and if you're interested in feathers and cacti you may like to read this too. It might also contain some book reviews. Interested??

Back again after a very long blogging break.......you really don't want to know, but I'll give you a glimpse. 2013 was taken up with pain and surgery and not being able to attend University. But now that I am back it's all go on the writing life.
So to begin my blog for this year, even though it's May, I want to focus on the joys of reading and the slog of writing. In other words how easy it is to procrastinate when you really need to be just doing that damn writing. I find it so easy to read, especially in bed in the winter, than get up, shower and dress and sit down at my computer. Because I live alone it is easy to be a slob or at least unmotivated until the last minute.
When I finally make it to my desk, then there is email to look at, followed by wretched Facebook, maybe a few blogs or articles to read ! Then I usually make a deal with myself which goes something like this: 'You have a deadline and you are not allowed to get up from your chair for at least an hour or until you have written the first 500 words. Then you can get up and stretch, go to the loo, get a drink and return. No longer than five minutes my girl ! Another 500 words is required or more if you're on a roll. Then you can shut it all down and make dinner and watch TV.' 
So severe admonitions work best with me, unless of course I am in a rebellious mood and then I can tell myself to f... off! But because I actually love writing, this method usually works when I need a kickstart.
Does anyone else have these problems? Love to know.....

By the way, absolutely recommend this wonderful novel by our great teacher, Edwina Preston.